Need Bail in Addison TX?

Got Jail? We Got Bail. Get Priority bail when you call now

Speedy bail services in Addison, TX

If you or a loved one is in jail, call us today for simple release 

Nothing is more frustrating than getting a phone call from a loved one that is in need of bail. When this occassion occures, don;t let your frustration get in the way of you wanting to help your loved one. The situation can often be much worse and here at Dallas Bail Bonds we make sure to make your situation our priority. We're experts when it comes to felony and misdrameanor arrests, DWI arrests while offering flexible payment options in the Addison TX area. 
Get the Dallas Bail Bonds advantage by scheduling a consultation today with our friendly bail experts. Call us today at 214-617-0825 to get a speedy bail services and work with the experts at bail in Addison TX. Our services are open to you 24/7 365 days. Got jail? We got bail. Help a loved one today and call us. We look forward to hearing from you and your family. 

What do I need to bring for Bail?

If you are in need of quick bail, you'll need to have the following documents available: 

1. Valid state or military issued ID, or valid passport.
2. Most recent pay stubs – if you have direct deposit you can bring in evidence of your pay deposits. Call us if you have questions.
3. Proof of residency
4. Funds or approved collateral to cover the cost or downpayment of your bail.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office – we will provide you with any information you need. Our phone number can be called 24/7 throughout the year at 214-617-0825

What can be used as collateral for bail?

Collateral can be anything that has sufficient resale value to help cover the amount of the bond(s) if they are not paid back. This includes tools, electronics, jewelry, vehicles (auto & recreational, real estate and of course cash.

Many times if property is used, it will either have to have a clear title, or there needs to be sufficient equity to cover and related bonds. The same thing goes with any vehicles that may be financed or leased. Those often cannot be used as collateral when looking for bail bonds in Addison TX.
 Enjoy priority services when you call into our Addison TX bail bonds office   today! You can either call our toll free number 24/7 at 214-617-0825 or you   can head over to our contact page to get started.

The Dallas Advantage

Why People In Addison, TX Choose Us.


  • Pick up the phone as soon as you call 
  • Give everyone a fair shot at bail when working with us 
  • Provide easy flexible payment options for all Addison bails
  • Providing the lowest bail bonds prices and easy payments 
  • Give you your options the moment you call for bail 


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